Starting off the 2014 Camino season on the right foot
We just kicked off the 2014 Camino season with a great group of people, delicious food and wine, and some beautiful sites. The wild flowers are all in bloom and the storks are perched in their giant nests on top of the churches, raising new families. We love seeing the same stork families year after year as they return from Africa to nest in the spring.
This year we had a special treat in Leon, where we were able to see the bejeweled agate chalice that is now believed to be the Holy Grail. Spectacular!
We had a lovely 8.5 mile walk through beautiful farm land and enjoyed amazing garbanzo bean stew at the Serrano restaurant in Astorga. We are looking forward to the walk to Molinaseca tomorrow, which is one of the most beautiful parts of the Camino as you walk along limestone river beds and what surely is an enchanted forest.